Sunday 26th November 2023
Venue: Chirnside Country Club,
68 Kingswood Drive, Chirnside Park.
Time: Arrive at 11.30am for meal at 12.00 noon
Meal: 2 Courses: Main and Dessert Alternate Drop
Cost: $22.00 per person. The cost of the meal is being heavily subsidised by our club. Drinks are available at bar prices.
Booking: Please fill in the form via the link below or advise Edith Stevenson if you wish to attend.
Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.
Booking and payment must be made in advance by 17th November and can be made at Club meetings, Coffee & Chat or via direct deposit to club bank account:
The Vintage Driver’s Club.
BSB 083 276. Acc. No. 82 703 5375
Please quote your name as the reference.