Kalorama Rally 2025
Feature Marque: Flathead Fords. Vehicles prior to 1990 eligible for Mystery Tour commencing at the Manhattan Hotal 9am for a 9:30am start. Open to general pubic 10am.
Feature Marque: Flathead Fords. Vehicles prior to 1990 eligible for Mystery Tour commencing at the Manhattan Hotal 9am for a 9:30am start. Open to general pubic 10am.
Further information and entry details for 2025 watch this space. Last years flyer can be found here
Join us at the clubrooms for the monthly members meeting. Guest Speaker: Philip Burns talking about his business vapour blasting.
Join us at the clubrooms for the monthly members meeting.
Bar will be open and supper will be served following the meeting.
Guests welcome!
Vintage Cars, Parts & Accessories Swapmeet.
Sunday 9th March 2025
Clubrooms open from 6pm. Meeting starts at 8pm. Guest Speaker: Mandy Turner, Motoring Memoirs.
Australia Day, BBQ & Members Meeting. Sunday 26th of January. Join us for a great afternoon celebrating Australia Day at the Clubrooms. Free BBQ!
Festival of Motoring – Sunday
19th of January 2025. Online entries close December 13th 2024 to allow time for passes to be mailed out.
VSCC Two Wheel Brake Rally Sunday 8th Dec. Open to all VDC Two wheel braked cars. If you don’t have one, get a ride with someone that does. Organiser: Peter Donald
Family Christmas Picnic & Party Sunday 1st of December.
Bring your kids & grandkids along for a day at the Diamond Valley Miniature Railway.
Chirnside Country Club, 68 Kingswood Drive, Chirnside Park.
Arrive at 11.30am for meal at 12.00 noon.
Booking and payment ($29/head) must be made in advance by 17th November
Join us at the clubrooms for the monthly members meeting.
Bar will be open and supper will be served following the meeting.
Guests welcome!
Peter Fleming is arranging a run from Wattle Park to The Naked Racer in Cheltenham followed by lunch at the Flight Deck Moorabbin.
Sunday 10th November 2024, Yarra Glen Racecourse
All vehicles must be in by 9:30am no leaving before 2:30pm. Chrysler awards presented at 1pm.
Cup Day will be at the clubrooms from midday. Wear your racing attire and join in the fun of cup day. This year we will be incorporating a rocker cover race as well, so get to work in your garage and build yourself a rocker cover race car. Details for the rocker cover racers can be found elsewhere in the magazine.
Join us at the clubrooms for the monthly members meeting.
Bar will be open and supper will be served following the meeting.
Guests welcome!
Meet at Jells Park, 10.30am for 11.00am departure. Enter Jells Park from Waverley Rd.
Sandown Hotel for a Bistro Lunch at 12.30pm
Join us at the clubrooms for the monthly members meeting.
Bar will be open and supper will be served following the meeting.
Guests welcome!
Vintage Rob Roy Hill Climb Sunday 22nd September VSCC Invitation Event